Groovy Chick

i'm wild, hip and crazy, i make other girls quite sick, i'm fantastic and funky, i'm a gorgeous groovy chick!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

memoirs of a bridezilla...

i feel i should write a little about my wedding experience. you know, to memorialize it or something. while it's still fresh in the mind right. afterall, it's barely been 2months. this is like a diary afterall izenit? however, i feel kinda malas. but i guess one must do what one must ;-p. does this mean that the wedding day wasnt such a memorable one for me?


to be honest, in the month prior to the wedding, i was (surprise surprise!) so stressed that i couldnt wait for it to be over. the wedding event itself, i mean. i had my family come in from sabah & they required entertaining --mestilah kan. they come all the way for my wedding, takkan i dont entertain them at all right? i had my issues with the bank people regarding my homeloan (people, do NOT go for hongleong bank. theyre shit.) i was moving into my marital home all by my lonesome because the then half-husband was away in another country altogether. the long distance relationship woes weren't helping much either.

note: he was a half-husband because we had our civil wedding much earlier to the church wedding but as Catholics, we're not really considered married if the church ceremony hasnt taken place yet. so that made my legal marriage only half-a-marriage.

thinking back, of course the stress was self-imposed because i'm one of those who believe "if you want to get it right, do it yourself babe". so anal hor? serves me right.

so, on the wedding day itself, i was actually still in "project manager" mode. in hindsight, it was quite funny. i didnt have time to do my nails the day / night before the wedding as i was too busy. my MIL had her nails done. my SIL got her hair colored. my mum, sisters & 8-yr old nieces got THEIR hair & nails done early.

but the bride? the bride was a stress-pot. i only went to bed at 3am on the wedding day morning. moi --ms i-have-panda-eyes problems. why? because i was packing for my overnight stay at the wedding reception venue. i got up at 9-ish the next morning & made breakfast for my family because on top of everything else, it was so very important for me to also be a good host (i am so stupid). finally, the bridesmaid & i rushed to The Curve to get my nails done & she, her hair. the salon people asked me "huh?? you're the bride? what are you STILL doing here??" needless to say, i was running late & my make-up lady had to wait for 30mins so that the bride could sneak in a shower before putting on the wedding dress... tsk tsk...

well, i couldnt very well be a stinky-poo of a bride now, could i?

i was chewing on a sausage (easy to eat mah --its like drinking with a straw when you have lipstick on) even after the war paint was on because in all the wedding planning articles i'd read, the bride must have something to eat lest she pengsan & makes a fool of herself. i was even carrying my own handbag as i walked out of my bedroom in my wedding dress & veil. NOT my bouquet but my handbag. why? because everything i needed was in there. on the way to church, i had calls from the hotel people regarding last-minute mess-ups. I HAD TO TELL THE DRIVER TO TURN BACK BECAUSE I, THE BRIDE, FORGOT THE WEDDING RINGS!!!

during the church ceremony, my mind was churning with event management thoughts that it didnt hit me that i was actually exchanging life-long vows with a man who i would sleep with & wake up to for the rest of my life. heh. ok so, the answer to my own question: was my wedding day memorable for me?

yes. of course.

but not just in the romantic-gushy-soppy way that i imagine people expect it ought to be. i'll also remember it for all the things that make it a funny story to tell my grandkids:

"little tykes, listen up. your grandmere was GORJES on her wedding day. ya ok so they were fake lashes. so what? shut up & listen to me. as gorjes as i was, it doesnt make me infallible. thats the moral of the story here. your gorjes but infallible grandmere made the mistake of thinking that she was Superwoman. eh? you dunno who is Superwoman? howsabout Wonderwoman? no? ehhh??? wtf... WHO IS GAS GIRL?? kiddos, you sure have canggih-fied superheroes these days. anyways, back in the day, me your grandmamere who was pretty vogue even then, made the mistake of thinking i could do ALL. like an octopus you know --tentacles everywhere. no wonder lah your grandpops calls me bossy. i forgot that the wedding rings were to be entrusted to the bestman & NOT to the bride. ooops. hihihi. my bad."

note: i reckon at 85, i'll still be laughing my "hihihi".
or maybe more like this: hihi*cough*hi*farttt*hihihi*gassspppp*hihihi*kyiok*

of course lah i'll remember my wedding day. how else can i claim my anniversary treats from the husband then?? kidding lah. i know lah it's a special day. this entry is for when i'm senile & can't remember the details (hmm, but when im senile, i wont remember how to get to this blog hor?)

anyhow, yes, i know its a special day. even if i didnt at the time because i was too busy being, well, busy. so, realizing this, the husband & i actually did a re-enactment of the vows. hehehe. one night, about a month after the wedding, after revising & memorizing & coaching each other on our marital vows (we are thespians at heart), we whipped out our trusty canon, perched it on the bed's headrest & recorded ourselves exchanging our vows again. i had tears in my eyes even as i was holding my laughter in. sighs.

so, a word to the wise i.e. soon-to-be brides: DELEGATE. afterall, sharing is caring!

note: kononnya malas want to write. but true to my verbal-diarrhea self, once i started, i could stop.



Blogger NORA ANSHAR said...

hong leong ka? haiyyyaaaa... u shud have just stuck with me la...

September 5, 2007 at 5:20 PM  
Blogger groovychick said...

sorry for the delay. i dunno how to reply to your comment haha. zeed just taught me. bodos ler i ni. nanti re-financing i come find you.

September 13, 2007 at 11:18 AM  

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